Vita Centre
Suite 7/235
New South Head Rd.,
Edgecliff 2027
Ph: 61-2-328-1066
Fax: 61-2-328-1561
4th July, 1995.
Dear Practitioner
My attention was first drawn to the Buteyko Breathing Technique in June 1992 by the parents of two of my patients. After attending the ten one-hour Buteyko sessions the mother of one young patient ceased all other treatment. Her daughter, a severe asthmatic, was able to gradually decrease Prednisone completely and reduce the sprays to a quarter of her normal usage. This amazing result induced me to look closer at the "Buteyko" method.
During the next six months I examined many patients, both before and after the conclusion of the course. I found the improvement to be such that some of the patients were able to reduce their drug treatment by 90 to 100% after a few weeks - and they maintained this improvement.
I then attended the tutorials and found the approach, tuition and the method to be both responsible and safe. Children from four years of age and over are able to grasp the technique and master it over the five to seven days' tutorials - each session lasting approx one to one and a half hours. The patients were then able to manage their condition - including acute attacks - with minimal or no chemical intervention.
Professor Buteyko has refined and researched this method over some forty years and used it on over 100,000 patients - with a documented success rate of over 90%. In Australia over 5,000 patients have already attended classes.
Even though bronchodilator nebulisers are an important part of asthma treatment, it is no secret that they are grossly over-used. These do provide effective maintenance but they carry a risk of several serious side effects.
Recently, the first closed scientific trial was carried out by a medical team in Queensland. This trial was conducted in conjunction with the Asthma Foundations. Their conclusions were (to their own surprise) that a 90% reduction of medical and drug treatment over six weeks was realised.
As a Medical Doctor and Naturopath I remain very impressed with the effectiveness and safety of the Buteyko method.
Yours sincerely,
Paul J. Ameisen