Immune Army

Immune Army: Notes

Unlike the direct link between hyperventilation and bronchospasm, which is very easy to explain, the link between chronic hyperventilation and inflammation/allergic hyperresponsiveness is a little harder to understand, let alone explain.

The profound disturbances to the body's biochemistry can cause severe derangements of the immune system, and this is the source of the problem. The immune system is a finely tuned biochemical warfare mechanism the function of which is to differentiate between serious pathogens and the relatively harmless stuff like pollens the body is exposed to, and to kill off the pathogens. When the fundamental building blocks are missing or insufficient (because of biochemical disturbances), the immune system is unable to distinguish pathogens from pollens (as in allergic reactions) and, in fact, often turns on its own body as is the case with arthritis.

To help explain this to the public or even to medical people, Victor has drawn a set of two cartoons illustrating the immune army. The sequence in which these are shown depends on how it is explained. You could start with the functional army and then show how CHV disrupts its function, or you could start with badly functioning immune army and show what happens when Buteyko fixes it.

In the functional army the illustration shows how a tank is assembled from good material, and how the army deals with invaders. The big fluffy things are pollens which are ignored.

In the disfunctional army the illustration shows how the fighting machienery is made up from defective components, the fundamental building blocks based on CO2 being bad. The non functional army attacks harmless pollens, mistakenly shoots the body's own cells and allows the bad guys to get away with attacking the body cells too.

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