I received the news of Professor Buteyko's passing with great sadness.
I was lucky enough to spend several days with Professor Buteyko, Ludmila, and Andrey, as unofficial chauffeur on their UK visit in 2001. It was at the start of my practitioner training. Lucky for me we were accompanied by Svetlana, a highly skilled translator. As many who were involved with that visit will know it had its moments and I somehow found myself right in the middle of it all.
Time spent with the Buteyko's travelling between Manchester and Glasgow, riding in taxis, sitting in cafes and hotel restaurants I asked as many questions as I could with out seeming impolite. It was a tremendous time and one that confirmed for me the greatness of the man and his discoveries.
Buteyko has enabled me to beat my asthma and now help others to do the same.
The growing numbers of us who are benefiting from, and in many cases owe our own lives to his efforts, will keep his memory alive.
Thank you Professor Konstantin Buteyko
Glenn White
Buteyko practitioner
Auckland, New Zealand