From urgings from Vivian, (thank you Vivian :) ), I also want to share my early Christmas present with you, seeing this list and Buteyko's Method was a large contributing factor.
As some of you may remember, I'm afflicted with alpha anti-trypsin deficiency. I recently went to see my doctor for my 3 month checkup. He was amazed at my improvement, my reduced inhaler intake, my color, my physical capabilities, and my mood. He said he truly figured the way I was at the beginning of this year that I would be a candidate for transplant and can't get over that so far I've proven him wrong.
He was ecstatic to be wrong, and figured the meds must be doing more for me than what he anticipated. I re-told him about Buteyko, my supplementation, my diet change. He simply ignored it all and praised the meds again.
He asked me about getting the flu shots again. I declined and "re-told"
him my reasons for doing so. He wanted to do something good, so suggested a
new inhaler. I declined and RE-TOLD him about Buteyko. A PFT??? I
explained the theory behind Buteyko AGAIN and told him that I was truly
trying to stay away from ANY type of HV, forced or otherwise. Hmmm. . .
(the sweetheart was straining now to do his medical duty.
We discussed this for a bit and he actually admitted that the peak flow
meter wasn't really a dependable instrument for lung function. But what it
would give him would be numbers that HE could actually see if I was doing
as well as I looked, felt and moved even though the numbers wouldn't be the
most reliable indicators either. He suddenly shook his head and said we
should probably forget that too seeing that I was trying to avoid HV. I
think I was starting to make a *small* dent in his thinking.
When I finally left his office, I vowed to myself to get him a package
together for Christmas of Buteyko information.
Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!
Vicky :)