Support Material for Practitioners


Information booklets:

Buteyko: Escape from Asthma

The intention of this booklet is to provide patients with a basic introduction to the theory behind Buteyko therapy, so that they understand enough to want to learn more. It was intended to be distributed from information kiosks at flea markets and in shopping malls.

This is a 16 page richly illustrated colour booklet in A6 size and PDF format. You will need Adobe ACROBAT to read it. It takes up 680 kBytes, so it will take a minute or two to download.

Buteyko: Guide for Doctors:

This is an introduction to Buteyko for doctors. It was designed to explain the rationale behind the therapy.

The booklet is laid out in A4 size and should be suitable for modern photocopiers that produce A6 booklets from loose leaf A4 sheets. It is in PDF format and requires Adobe ACROBAT to read it. It is in bl/white only and there are no illustrations.

Please mail suggestions for improving this booklet to Peter Kolb.

Hyperventilation: The Tip and the Iceberg, (63 kbytes) by L.C. Lum; From the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol 19, pp375 to 383, 1975. This is a PDF file and requires Adobe ACROBAT to read it.

The following article goes a long way to explaining Professor Buteyko's own views on steroids. However, Buteyko goes further in suggesting that the cause of common mild steroid deficiency is chronic hyperventilation. Mild Adrenocortical Deficiency, Chronic Allergies, Autoimmune Disorders and the Chronic Faigue Syndrome: A continuation of the Cortisone Story, (58 kbytes) by Jefferies, WMck; From Medical Hypotheses 1994, Vol 42, pp183-189.
This is a PDF file and requires Adobe ACROBAT to read it.

Graphic Materials:

The following conditions apply to all the graphic materials below:

  1. You may incorporate the picture as part of a course in free hand-outs, posters or slides.
  2. You may incorporate a picture in a book or manual which is to be sold separately from the course and has the nature of a free standing publication which is only available if paid for, provided you obtain prior consent from the author/artist of the article.
  3. You may not remove or crop the name of the author/artist as it appears on the article.
  4. In return for the free use of this material, you are encouraged to provide feedback to the author/artist of the article, explaining how you have used the material, whether it has been useful and how it could be improved. Suggestions for new works based on your experience would be welcome.

The Following Material is now available for free download:

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